Thanks to Cypress for the allowing me a free web page.
Cypress is one of the most beautiful places that God has created.
Cypress and it's people certainly refelect God's image and beauty
In every way and means possible.
In Texas, the winter is probably just beginning in a manner of speaking..Even though it's the last REAL month of winter days and gray foggy haze,it seems that February is the month that Texas suffers the coldest days and nights..At least generally.
So i look forward to a really cold and i hope, a snowy February..At least one snow?? maybe two or three?? i hope!
I hope you've had a really great winter thus far and i definitely hope you have an even more great February./Enjoy the winter while it's still here and you'll enjoy the summer months that much more.
/My life is about to take an interesting turn,as my Mother will be moving in with me inside the second week of February..I'm busy lately,organizing my furniture and moving it around to allow enough space for HER stuff.I've got an abundance and she has quite a bit less
.It's going to be an interesting life now for myself and my Mother./I believe that we'll have a lot of fun together..Playing cards,board games and doing things that will kind of return me to my childhood.
The only thing missing from that emotional setup is my Dad who went to Heaven in November.But life goes on!
I hope you have a most wonderful February and a tanfastic winter overall.But most of all..Have fun!
IT's 2016!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It's January 3 2016 as i'm typing this entry!Yeah well,sure enough we(Patches Mom and myself) watched Dick Clark's rockin' Eve and it was pretty much NOT what i would've liked to have watched,only because I don't care so much for today's artists or bands..Actually i've forgotten who was performing.That's weird..Anyway,Ryan Seacrest was the main host..I like Ryan..He's pretty cool really..Well he's okay at least.The local Dallas area had some stupid rap or hip hop nonsense going on..Good grief..Made me glad that Dick Clark's thing was being aired,even though i don't care for the music it brings for the past couple years.
The music ,as i remember,wasn't so much rap or hip hop as it was pop.Taylor Swift's newest music video which really wasn't too bad..The song was actually kind of 80's and the video was actually good..I wouldn't mind downloading it if i can somehow.I was a bit impressed really with the song and the video both combined.Who knows,maybe she'll revive the 80's look and sound of the music video.Anyway..I plan to change my mode of thinking this year,as i refuse to go about being as lonely as i have been the past several years.I plan to do what's necessary to meet and acquire a best friend or a soulmate or both in one..If it means hanging out other places so be it.If it means a renewing of my mind (and it does) then so be that too.I plan to have somebody in my life very soon to hang out with and do whatever with--(yummm)../I hope you're having a more than wonderful 2016 so far.I pray that the entire month of January is a complete blessing and brings you much happiness,joy and peace..I look forward to this month as a new beginning to a new era of my life ,as well as my Mother's life..New friends and healings and discoveries.Be sure to have a marvelous time and don't forget ..Most importantly>>Have fun!!'s still early in the month. i'LL be putting up mine and my mom's and dad's christmas tree on Thanksgiving night..late..probably in the wee a.m. hours (after midnight Thanksgiving night).well..Patches is healthy..needs his shots.and heartworm and flea pills.He's doing excellent.Obama was re-elected.I'm pro Romney so it's not good news to me//but aside from that,everything's going very well//
Guess i'll head over to mom's to see what she's doing//Probably watching either her game shows,the Waltons or Little House On The Prairie//
Looking forward to doing my Christmas shopping tonight.I plan to get all the decorations for the tree out of the bedroom closet tonight and to set them aside so i'll find them easily when it's time for erection..maybe i should rephrase that//
I might post later this month..not sure.I DO plan to have a merry time this month though,with the holiday shopping and listening to christmas music and all..downloading Christmas wallpapers and desktop wallpaper and screen all the regular non holiday stuff. It's going to be a nice month overall.
HAPPY NOVEMBERPatches is laying here beside me on the couch. Not much has changed lately,though there's been SOME things that have occured.I now am calling Fred Mount once in a while,as he seems to be doing okay and living with his girlfriend in an apartment in garland.he wants me to visit but i don't like the idea of driving over there to an area that i know nothing about/ might be a while before i can get over there.also it doesn't sound like we'd have much of anything in common.he's NOT like michael at all.if i thought that fred would become interested in hanging out,i'd enjoy that.but it sounds as though he stays pretty much around home all the time.and he'd probably expect me to be coming over there to spend my other words,he has a girlfriend and wants me to visit them as opposed to him hanging with me on a one to one/.so..this is crazy//there MUST be SOME one out might be coming home..WILL be coming home about one or two times weekly for a couple hours at a time.all that has to be done is mom has to speak to the doctor about's doctor there at the nursing feelinggs lately are kind of depressed.i want to get my church charter right now before christmas.but it's going to cost me 144 dollars if i get the complete package.i'm thinking..well..i'll have to..i have no choice i guess.//if i'm going to get my church started today,have it by christmas,i'll have to get it done today,right away.patches just jumped down off the couch,leaving me space to lean back now.he's looking at me while laying there on the floor.he's on top of the sleeping bag and our covers,which are all a bit crumpled.not evenly spread across the floor now.his eyes look sleepy.he's been coughing.his sinus's are acting up,so that's probably why his eyes are titred that's a neat typo..titred..actually i believe titred is shade of breast//an artistic definition of one's current lung color./
anyway..i'm not in a happy or joking mood at all.i'm feeling a bit down..blank really.i kind of feel like i could use about 4 or 5 hours of sleep/.i wish there was something to do besides just sit here at was gone when i went over this afternoon.i assume she's at the bank today and maybe elsewhere.she wasn't at bingo .in fact one of her friends came by to get her but went on over to the office without mom.i realised after she walked off where mom must be(as it's friday) so i walked over to the office and told her that because it's friday she must be at the bank.anyway..patches is having sinus he's laying there i heard him slightly cough and whine a bit.i'm not concerned with punctuation as i type(in regard to using capital letters when required).so..anyway..
i just sneezed and patches i guess was alarmed.he sat and just stared at me for several seconds afterward//i guess i'll close here plans.this is one of those days that i'll be home doing just whatever comes up at the time..mostly alone//i feel like laying back down honestly.but if i do,i know i'll fall asleep and wake up in the late afternoon.of course ..that doesn't sound too bad really right now..i don't know.i'll call fred pretty soon.then later i might call mark//around 4 or 4:30pm//i need to burn a cd right now.i recorded the music already.from LP to an itunes folder.i was hoping that fred would be the answer to my prayer of finding someone to hang out with,but i realised yesterday that can't be the case//
he doesn't care for 80's music..he's still in to the 70's/he doesn't care for movies too much.he seems to prefer watching the news all the time..that's a new one on ME..i used to like watching or keeping up with the current world news and still do just not all day./it didn't take up most of my tv viewing time/.there's a lot of things i'd like to do.i'd like to take pictures and video of mom and dad and many other things with my red video camera in particular. and i'd like to download them to a site on the web.i'd like to sit and listen to cd's and relax sitting here while looking out the window.i'd like to watch some vhs tapes on the vhs player,but it's not connected to my tv.when i disconnected it from my vizio,i never reconnected it to the sanyo.i don't know why though//i should do that really soon//i'd like to watch christmas recordings from the past,that include august and mom and dad/
patches was just at the door,whining.he heard someone and ran to the door.he didn't whine loud.just a bit.i thought at first he was wheezing in fact/his eyes look very sleepy.he looks really..i hope he hasn't got a slight cold or anything.i believe he hasn't gotten enough sleep//he acts very sleepy.i believe he wants me to lay down with him on the he's up barking loudly at the door.he heard the mesh screen magnets hit the door when the wind blew and they
to the door/i'm concerned.when he barks,he starts to wheez some.he might have caught a bit of a cold//i'll make certain he's kept warm and out of the cold tonight./it's getting cold inside.i'll turn the air down,brb,3:02pm
Looks like i'll be just sitting here doing whatever all evening and all's only late's 3:04pm.i'll be setting up the printer i guess's been disconnected for a long time. i never reconnected it when getting this new computer(emachines).i'm not sure what i think of this pc yet.had it for a couple months now but..i don't know.somebody keeps going past my window.they've walked back and forth now about three or four times in he past 10 minutes..maybe 12..anyway..i guess i'll go ahead and burn the music i recorded earlier to a cdr.i'm slowly but surely getting my LP collection(and dads)burned to cd/and imported to itunes..i need to add all the songs to my hard drive as well.i think i'll do that by adding them to the pc after i record them on to cd.i'll rip them to the pc as full cd's after burning them instead of seperate songs.this way i can maintain the recorded nature of the material//the consistent flight path of the native american indian//and stuff//
yeah i'm bored many things i'd like to do.i ordered the 2 cd set,"tusk" by fleetwood mac,form should be arriving soon i hope/.it's been nearly two weeks since i ordered it.maybe right at 2 weeks/.it's being sent from england so it might be a while/.i made the mistake of ordering it from a music store in england.i made that mistake before with a movie and it took forever/.well..i guess i'll close here.i'll check out my dvr recordings to see if bill o'riley has been recorded.i've been keeping track of the obama /romney campaign and polls.looks good ...somebody just passed by my window again.i'm going to sit out there i think if it happens again.this is getting absurd.anyway,i'll run next door to see if mom's home.i thought i heard her earlier but i'm not sure.brb,3:15pm
i got back and i cleared the right side of the couch so patches could sit on it,so what did he do?he got up here in my lap'm typing with one hand./i'm going to open my blinds until it gets'll close here and burn a cdr and then i guess see if bill o'riley is on my dvr.maybe watch a judge judy or something this all by ear./btw,mom still isn't home.if she got back ,then she went to the office to play dominos or something,she didn't leave me a note stating such// occured to me that it's not bingo's friday not wednesday.that's another thing.i don't know what to expect to see at walmart,it being a weekend now.weekend shoppers will be there,probably mostly from balch springs,pleasant grove and mesquite. i hope it doesn' look like a ghetto there when i go shopping later tonight.that's also a place mom might be right now.janice or carol might've taken mom to the bank and then walmart//somebody was going to celebrate mom's birthday with her today so that's where she is for the most part.i think it was janice that is going to celebrate with who knows where they are and what they're doing//as long as she's home by dark//there's no way she'd be gone past dark//anyway..i'll post later.i'm bored,kind of down//patches sure looks sleepy.he can hardly keep his open...that's weird.and i've got a lap full of dog//i'll post later..bahh bahh.
3:44 PM 10/19/2012
I don't know if it's the bipolar..or dspsd or whatever it is i have,mixed with coca cola and doughnuts or what.I only know that it's happening again.A strange kind of dejavu but not the ordinary.I know that since i'm disabled and unemployed that time goes by really fast.And again,i'm seeing Christmas trees in the Walmart.I first saw them two mornings ago at 5 something a.m. and it was like the deja vu began big time.I was amazed to see christmas displays quite this early.I expected to see them beginning sometime around the end of October around Helloween,but certainly not THIS early/.i walked away from the area..the lawn and a good mood after i saw the trees.i felt really good.but also i felt that weird deja vu.the kind i've been getting every year for several years now.that feeling that it's only been a few mohths since i took my tree(and my parents tree)completely down.
that same deja vu..the feeling that i lived through the christmas season just a few short months ago/i never began to have these feelings i call (a)time warp,until somewhere around the early 2000' least it seems like that's when it began.i've always loved the Christmas season and it always seemed like it was taking so long for Christmas to arrive.and suddenly for some reason,one year,after Christmas ,after the tree was down..the spring came and went FAST..then summer flew by was Fall all of a sudden,then BOOM it was Thanksgiving and then BOOM the Christmas season.It was weird..But every Christmas since then has rushed up to me like a car on the nascar's here..and it mostly seems like that in hindsight ,but every now and then through the other words,it's like every few months this deja vu hits and it will seem like (in hindsight) the last few months flew by ragingly fast..So as time goes on,this deja vu is constant every few months and it crawls,slows down a bit around the area of maybe july 4th,but only for a while cause ,just like two days ago,BOOM..Christmas trees on display at Walmart/.
It seems like time goes by so so fast,that i said..That it was only a few short months ago that i was shopping the Christmas season/.It's a very very weird deja vu-ish kind of feeling.It's like a time warp --it doesn't feel like it should be this time of year but it is--In fact too many times in the past,the Christmas season came around and it just didn't feel like it should have been yet//So the entire holiday season past by and any Christmas spirit was just not there//In fact i remember one year in particular wherein it was Januray that i actually began to feel a christmassy kind of feeling,as though time itself had misplaced or displaced me in some weird way.I'm not the only person to feel this kind of time warp or time displacement thing/My cousin Michael also tends to fall into this time warp and gets these deja vu sensations --Not truly deja vu like most people get and discuss,but still they're very real.It's like living the same Christmas season as the last several years,just different gifts and maybe different scenarios..looking at christmas lights in a different area or maybe having more or different realtives over ,etc//But that feeling is still the same.Even though it's not identical,it's like living the same Christmas season again and eventually the same Christmas day again.
Almost like the movie "Groundhog Day'//In the movie he eventually caused different occurences on a daily basis,but yet it was the same day over and over and that same sense of deja vu was always present none the less/.That's how this deja-vu ..Time warp..Time displacement thing is that i talk bout/It occurs in the summer too.Spring as well..etc..But it's tremendously strong during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas,i suppose because those are clearly the most memorable/.My cousin and i used to always discuss with each other,in depth how weird we felt during the Christmas season,as it felt like a deja vu and just didn't feel like Christmas(but yet it did),as though we were displaced in time.
Again too,same Christmas as last and the one before that,etc,just different 'stuff'/It's not a part of getting older,as that's been a suggestion when i've mentioned this to others/.In fact,as far as i know,i've only come across one other person besides me who get these time warp feelings and that's my Cousin Michael/.I'd like to meet others who get these strange feelings of time displacement./I remember last Christmas.Even though i've been living ina new location for two years,spending much of the Christmas season with my parents,again that deja vu was hitting me all season long.Different town which made it a bit different but it was still like the past Christmases to the point that the weird deja vu feeling never left me all season long/.
I'm beginning to believe it has much,maybe not all,to do with the fact that my family and i go through the same gestures every year.we celebrate through the season by decorating our trees and the interior of our homes(we live in apartments actually) and we decorate our yards as well./We spend some nights watching Christmas specials on TV and we watch Christmas movies as well/.We shop Walmart and other stores in the area.We drink hot cocoa and eat Christmas cookies bought at Walmart or given to us by neighbors or relatives,etc//I'm thinking that maybe if i differ some of our regular activities and become much more active (seasonally) that maybe every Christmas season won't bring on this weird familiar deja vu thing,making the season seem out of place and as though it's all occuring way too early..(thusly it feels like it really isn't that time of year,which makes it difficult or impossible to get into the Christmas spirit..sometimes until January like i said)/Mom told me that she didn't feel very Christmassy until January.She actually told me in January when she began to feel the Christmas spirit/I thought that was odd,but being used to time displacement myself,i understood what she meant completely/.
It already seems to me that i saw Christmas trees on display way too early/I'm afraid that seeing the stuff in the aisles now will really implant in me a time displacement so heavily that by the time november rolls around and then thanksgiving,that I'm going to be so not into the Christmas season arriving that the I'll travel thru November shopping but not enjoying the Christmas momentum..And that's what i want and desire to feel./I want to enjoy Christmas ,not only for the religious reasons,but also for the reasons that i did when i was young/.The lights,the colors,the decorationsand the whole enchilada!!I think everyone ought to able to celebrate like that/ In fact,i'm thinking of taking my Parents on nightly cruises through November,looking at the Christmas lights.People's yards..Their houses.Even through the Apartment complexes/.I think i'll plan to spend this christmas doing things that are so different than i've ever done before/.Maybe i can find on amazon or someplace,special dvd releases that cover topics like Christmas in the 40's and 50's.My parents would enjoy stuff like that/.Well..the thing is.If i m going to have anything planned solid by November, I'm going to have to begin right away..Now..cause it'll take a while to find stuff to do..places to go.Well..Hopefully we'll get a lot of snow here//if not then i guess ..Well..i'm not going to say 'if not'//I'll just count on the Lord blessing us with snow and then making plans to toss our coats and gloves on and journey out to shop at the stores and view the Christmas season a whole lot from the inside of the car as well//And there's always the warm glow at home by the tree,with hot cocoa and marshmallows//'s only September 25th and i'm carryin' on like it's a whole different season.Maybe the time warp thing won't bite my butt this year after all./Maybe.
A more detailed explanation of 'time warp' or deja vu time displacement:
The reason it might effect me again heavily is because every Christmas for the last 7 years at least has brought about a feeling of deja vu which lasted all through the season.Not feeling as though it wasn't Christmas,so much as it was as though i was celebrating the same Christmas again (as years prior),but just altered a bit.That feeling mixed with the feeling(in november) that the Christmas season had occured just a few short months ago,makes me feel 'time displaced' as tho' i'm living a real life re-run episode (of my life).a very strange feeling,even tho' i realise full and well and am concious at the time that it's another Christmas season and i'm not stuck in's just a feeling that remains like a head rush all through the season. like i'm living or reliving (another) Christms episode in my life.diffrent stuff,different people now and then,a few different movies,etc..but at the same time ,the same Christmas as all the previous Christmases.a very weird feeling/. This feeling could be triggerd by delayed sleep phase syndrom disorder/i was diagnosed more recently than not/but I don't know for sure one way or the other/
If you're reading this and coincidentally,find yourself feeling like this every Christmas,please email me to tell me and discuss it further in detail how it happens to you.This isn't the kind of thing where people say that time just went fast and they weren't ready for Christmas.This is a WEIRD thing that occurs that gives the feeling that an episode of your life is being rerun,but yet different and your fully aware of what day and year it is,'s just a feeling that remains with you for sometimes days or maybe weeks or months,depending on the situation at the time//You're also probably prone to go into dreamlike states once in a while too.those light headed feelings in the head(where else) like you're dreaming but you're awake.These are common with Bipolar and from what i understand many other conditions,but especially bipolar and people with delayed sleep phase disorder syndrom(google it)..often times bipolar and dspds coexist btw/
my email=
11:41 AM 9/25/2012
86 degrees outside9:00 PM 9/5/2012
A lot has changed..Dad's hearing has been recovered or healed,however one wants to view it.No more hearing aids.//
He's in a wheelchair now rolling around with vigor.His speech is becoming more rapid and louder and even though he's still untelligible most of the time it's obvious that there's been an improvement.The nurses at the home have been doing physical and speech therapy.Patches is asleep here next to me on the floor.I thought i heard mom through the wall..I think i'll head over there to see what she's doing.She'll be going to bed i bet around 10:30pm./I have a can of Dr.Pepper in her fridge.
Think i'll go over and try to bum a tv dinner and i'll sit over there and watch tv with her and eat.long story short,Nancy and Lee came down this weekend to visit and have already gone back home .They left Monday and it's Wednesday now./We saw dad on Monday and they went home straight from there.Dad is doing wonderful.I don't know why but i expect him to be home by the holidays.Well..yeah i DO know why//It's because there's a Creator that answers prayer./
I'll post like this again in a day or two as incidents merit reporting or posting/.My daily drab will still be via Wordpress.comIt's 87 degres outside.It's actually getting cold in the apartment.brrrrrr.
It's 89 degrees outside but cold INside...72 degrees inside.
12:01 PM 5/18/2012
yeah..may 18th,2012.i think i'll start using agrino's the only site i've found where i can use xhtml tags.every other site wants one to use their own site tags and pre coded junk,even their templates.i plan on using a background here.right now i have it coded to display light green,with white text,but i plan on coding in a background before i totally finish.the summer's coming on.not that i'm happy with that but it's true.
dad's in the hospital for the 2nd time.he'll be okay.i meant to suggest to mom that he might have been attacked,but i don't believe she'll believe that for a second.but from what i can see,it's a possibility/.see wordpress of course for a more details thingy.
i'm likely to begin cutting and pasting my wordpress text here every time i blog there /problem is then, that i have 2 a site from scratch,the other using site tags and pre-coded stuff//agrino is as close to what geocities was ,that i can find for free..actually,agrino IS exactly like geocities as i can add my own colors and images using xhtml tags/.i prefer that, as opposed to being limited to a site's images and colors and arrangements of tables and all that barf!!
i'm finding it best to insert my paragraph tags and such as i type as opposed to waiting till after i finish it all///i STILL like to go over my page and design it to my satisfaction after i finish //i need to add my font tags and all as i type however..i can always perfect on that stuff afterward if i desire//
man,i can't wait to see dad at home,all of us playing cards and watching tv together//i decided that after dad is home that i'll spend a lot of time with both of them from that point on//.like we used to do..i'll go over a lot more and we'll all play cards and listen to ..THEIR music//whatever THEY want to hear/.i'll watch baseball with dad.jimmy swaggart..and his country stuff like that diner thing..larry's country diner i think it's called/.anyway..
i should have two more things coming in the mail--my alpha hydroxy and a book by josephus..the complete wrirings of josephus ...all of his wrirings..he wrired a lot..okay i meant the complete 'writings'..of josephus//
a boomcar just went by..12:20 PM ..very fast..down malloy bridge..funny..i heard it like for only a second or so,as the car went by so fast.that's the second boomcar i've heard's not like there's that many per day/.the first one i heard was about an hour ago,give or take 10 minutes.a car coming into the complex.some mexican guy that looked like he was in his real early 20''s.when i heard the car i went out to see where he parked.i can't figure out to this day why it's this way but it's the blacks and the mexicans that drive through here with that junk basing like that.the white's here don't do that.'nor their visitors/both cultures are so disrespectful(blacks and hispanics) it's pitiful/anyway..
i'll go ahead and close this page.patches is on the couch behind me.i'm on the floor/.mom is probably at the social security office by now.she had to go back in cause they wanted more info or's like i'm having to register all over again or something.even though it's medicare that i'm re -registering for//.this is weird//.so is going to see dad sometime today too.we don't know if he is able to speak yet.they've been keeping him so medicated that he couldn't speak and it's probable that he didn't realise where he was..or is...yet ..or what happened//.i think i'll either lay down and listen to my mp3 library on the pc or i'll watch music videos..i don't know.a movie sounds does my dvr does trying to get a little sleep...well..i'll figure it out.i plan to put a few small pieces of chicken or whatever in the oven.i bought those little nugget things that you bake.bought them a couple days ago. actually more like a week i guess//i'll post later..i should be writing to michael.i've lost stamps mom gave me..twice i lost stamps.that's irritating ya know?//
i need to write's been a while.i sent one a month ago,but it was old i think/written much before it was actually sent..i think..not sure though.i'll do another page here tomorrow or tonight//swahili milly vanilly
December-It's the last day of 2015-Happy New Years Eve-Thursday!!
It's Thursday,New Years Eve..I guess local channels will celebrate and i'm sure Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve-This year flashed by so so fast..The last part of winter,the Spring ,the summer ..All went by like a total flash..Then Fall..Halloween..Like a ghost it was barely visible.Then Thanksgiving and of course ,the day after Thanksgiving ,Most people began shopping or putting their trees up or both..The entire months of November and Dcember have gone by faster than i remember them going by in past years..EVER..This year just kind of disappeared..And tomorrow is 2016.I plan to be at my Mom's tonight during the ball drop in Times Square and i'll celebrate the cross from 2015 to 2016 with her ,and we'll be stuffing our faces probably.I hope you have a totally wonderful New years eve!! I'll add another entry here not long after the new year,sometime just after midnight.sometime between midnight and 2am.HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!
December is one of my favorite months of the year..First favorite is November..Then December..of course,followed by January and February.
Leaving this entry as i sit here at Denny¢s is a little different than my normal monthly entries..Enduring a drunken bar rush at this time..But it¢s one of those lovely occurences that i enjoy,even though i refrain from speaking to customers.Thus far,i¢ve had a wonderful December,even though i have had a few problems..with sleep ours mostly.
Once Christmas day is overwith It¢ll be back to normalcy again..So i hope you and your loved ones,family and friends,and pets,all enjoy the Christmas season..I¢ll be leaving a new entry for January, late night, December 31..I¢ll leave an entry for New Year¢s day and then late that night i¢ll publish a new entry that will be permanent for the rest of January.
I wish for you and yours a very merry Christmas season and I hope Christmas day brings you everything you want and wish for.Sincerely
the Author,Dennis and the dog ,Patches.
I can't believe it's November..Actually it's half gone.I guess i'll start my shopping tonight..I meant to start shopping last month at the latest..
I wanted to start in August but never did.So i'll begin tonight i guess.
Dad was home and lasted for two weeks.He came home on October 29th and went to Heaven on November 13th..Friday 13th actually.Thanksgiving is in one week exactly.The tree's going up on Thanksgiving night.Somewhere before 6am ..Well..Dad being gone is much like him being at the nursing home and we jsut haven't made plans to visit him yet.It's because we got so we weren't seeing him for 2 or 3 weeks at a time..If he'd been home for along time,in our presence for a long time,it would hurt and we'd really really be in pain,missing him.We know he's in Heaven,enjoying himself and we know that he wants us to enjoy ourselves and to have a wonderful Holiday season.So..I plan to..My mom and i are going to have a real pleasant and fun Thanksgiving and Christmas season.Me Patches and Mom.I'm at Denny's right now doing this cause my modem's down at nights...Again..Using my chromebook laptop PC which i've had now for about 4 nights i guess.It's a Linux..Nothing microsoft or Windows about it.Have an awesome November and if you landed here and aren't familiar with who i am,let me wish you and yours a happy wonderful Thanksgiving , a great smiley November and I hope you have blessings too many to count.
I'm definitely starting my shopping this month.small stuff though.various 5 and 10 dollar items..They're easy to find at Walmart because i browse for so long each night anyway .
dad's going to be coming home between the 23 and Halloween..I didn't know this before a couple days ago,but those medicaid papers will take 30 days from the time they arrive to go through the system..Then we'll get them back..Dad's got a bit longer to wait and he doesn't like it but i feel blessed that we're at this final stage and i told him to also think that way.//Mom's at home in bed right now..I was there and patches for much of the evening..We watched Seinfeld,Murder She Wrote and the season premier of The Blacklist..Not in that order however.// It was seinfeld,the blacklist then murder she wrote.// Two episodes of ' murder '..i went to the walmart during the first episode and bought her one of her cans of coffee and i bought myself a package of chocolate ice ceam cones.i think i have one left..//I ate the whole box already almost./It's 12:14am..i should have used notepad for this and i...well,,i did..i am..I just forgot to add the date and time stamp at the beginning of the post.Seagoville's going to be building beside the complex here sooner than later..and i understand from Candi, at denny's, that the city is thinking of putting in a waffle house over this way mom and dad and i are going to seriously be thinking about moving to Missouri sometime sooner than later..I hope maybe this spring..That would be nice//Well.. I hope everybody reading this is having a great day or night no matter what the date and year is..If it's October of any year,let me wish you a happy October..and too let me say that since the holidays are coming up,that i hope you have a wonderful Halloween AND Christmas season..Of course i haven't forgotten about Thanksgiving..I'll have new posts for those events and for November of course ..I'll soon have a menu for my broadcasts here//and i read that i am not supposed to link to pages with passwords or to create pages from here that are passworded ..i didn't realise that until i read the t.o.s..i hate to admit that i didn't read them before.. creating a page a while back that was passworded by usage of java script.
But i've deleted that page..It was a cam page..not anything nasty or immoral or even questionable..Just a family cam that was streaming my dog and me and whatever was happening in the apartment at the time..hobbyish type of thing.///Hope you're having a fantastic life!! Don't forget to have fun..Even if it means sacrificing your depression or lonliness for a while okay? October means it's almost November..November 1st is normally the day that many cable companies start airing their Christmas DMX Channels.Hallmark shows Christmas movies..Have fun!!October is a month to begin checking around for community events..fairs,food events,whatever//Happy October 2015!!
12:37 AM 10/3/2015 62 degrees
5:42am September 22 2015.It's Tuesday.. Currently I'm at Denny's.. Only a few customers here and Patches is in the car waiting for me!!it's been a typical month except for APS calling me about a report that I've been emotionally abusing my mother!!this made me laugh.momma's hard of hearing and so I scream at her both inside and outside if she doesn't wear her hearing device.the woman from APS happily closed the case after speaking to my mom and me.she was very neighbors are nosy. September was still an overall OK month. October should be even better!!I'm always overwhelmed by stuff..and the Holiday's being so close really have me pining for the Christmas season.. Even for Halloween!! And my Dad will be home from the nursing home for good before then to spend his first fall and winter with mom and me since 2012.. First in 3 years..I hope you have a magnificent October!! I plan to download images here on Halloween and to share in a journal post,what my personal Helloween day and night was like...I might be live on Helloween so check back here for sure! Hope you have a dang great October!!! REALLY!!
July is indeed almost over.It's been a crazy month for me.For normal people,it woul be considered as tame.Well..I contacted my Father's doctor and he wrote my Dad up as healthy enough to begin his stay at home.He claims he's healthy enough to begin his transference in lifestyle from nursing home to being home with family.His social worker told me last week that they'd like to get him home by his birthday which is July 29.It's now July 24th..a week has gone by since then..They're giving me excuse after excuse the same way they did for the past 3 years regarding his coming home./I can't inform his new doctor of this because he's out of town until the 28th,coincedentally the day before my Dad's birthday.Something's wrong..I'm beginning to believe somebody has complained to a group ,maybe APS or something,which is of course ,getting my parents' physician involved unnecesasarily if it's true..If he's gone on business to meet with an agency like APS and is told bogus info then Dad's coming home will be off again for a very long while.I now am beginning to feel as though the brakes are being put on my Dad's return from elsewhere than the nursing home.If a group like APS has put the stops on it and is now involving my parents' physician..the same doctor who examined my Dad and said he can come home...then this might be a case that eventually winds up in a court of law...i never would have believed that his return home could possibally be ever involved in government issues until now..i can hardly believe that what i'm saying is actually true..but why else would i be fighting the nursing home for the last three years about this and NOW my Dad's physician is out of town and the home health group he appointed to help us has been put on standby or hold and not doing anything at all.I'm getting sick and tired of this.I want my Dad home..period.not weeks from now or months from now but immediately//Anyway..I plan to have a nice day and a really great last week of July.It'll be the first of August in less than a week now ./ Patches the dog is doing real good..needs his toenails clipped again and he's still biting them off instead of letting me clip them..that needs to change soon..My mom is still doing ok but has some knee and back problems and now claims her right arm is giving her some trouble.I say there's ways around all might take more than a short time to convince her enough to believe it./well..Have a great time today in whatever you do.Make the day a great one by enjoying yourself even if it's not easy..You'll thank yourself for it ,trust me.If it's night time as you're reading this, or evening, then have a wonderful night..and..enjoy yourself..seriously!Oh by the way,if you're into Christmas like i am,you'll find that Hallmark channel is playing Christmas movies and also if you search your cable tv or satellite tv onscreen menu for Christmas events you'll find some..Just go to your onscreen search menu and type in Christmas and then'll see that certain tv programs have Christmas episodes running and also there's Christmas movies listed./5:06 PM 7/24/2015 - 99 degrees outside
9/22/2015 6:11am
Well it's the middle of April..My Mother talked to my Dad's doctor yesterday and he told her to go ahead and take him home..My Dad,not the doctor..So Finally after two years of fighting with the system ,he's coming home.I don't know how it'll work out..I'm determined that he's going to stay and not be sent back to the nursing home..I believe in what i was promised./My beautiful car was recalled for repair by the Ford company..So that was done..I now need to take the inspection form i have to to a gas statioin or someplace that they have inspection stickers to get one.That and i have an appointment with Dr.Smith on the 28th.It's the 22 so i have while yet.It's Wednesday the 22 at's 79 degrees outside and it's warmer than wht i thought's 81 according to my weather station..i guess i ought to turn the temp downa bit./ far the month has been real good.better now that we know my Dad's coming home to stay.I miss celebrating Holidays..I wish America had more national holidays to celebrate than Christmas ,Easter and Independence day.//We have memorial day and Labor day which have become family holiday traditions,like for picnics and get togethers but not for my family now for at least 7 years./My doggy he's doing great./He'll,be 7 years old on April 30th./Been trying to excercise him to get his weight down but it seems to rain every 3 or 4 nights ,keeping me and him both from getting a routine excercise./we'll start again tonight and hopefully it'll hold off raining for a few weeks late at night.We walk around 2 and 3am's quiet and feels good outside at those hours.Well..I hope the remainder of April is a really great time for all who's reading.//I think i'll look up my cities home page to see if there's any activities in the near future..i really do like celebrating..i'm looking forward to fireworks this year in my city..again..last year was awesome./Have a nice life people..I'll leave another thingy here sometime in May./I might start inserting links here to my webcam site and other attrocities.//It's a cool want some coffee..i'll wait though..oh well..
Well Christmas has come and gone with no problems.In fact windows of oppertunity have opened up regarding bringing my Father home from the nursing facility.
This Christmas was pretty good considering Dad hasn't been with us for some time now..I mean he's alive and all but not at home.
It's been a really good January thus far and it seems like it's going to go smoothly the remainder of the month..I actually don't see any snares happening my way any time soon.
I'm still enjoying myself totally..found some videos last night , by Tarja that I'd never seen before..on Youtube..via Roku actually.totally awesome.Hope you have a wonderful January..We're almost into February as i'm typing however. Stay warm!!
November 2014 is going to be another awesome Christmas season!!
time has gone by so fast this truly seems to me that I took my tree down no more than 4 or 5 months ago.
October has been a month in which I personally have been adjusting my hours of sleeping from approximately 9am to 5pm on a daily basis.
it seems as though,my mother has come around to having a discussion with the appropriate people at the nursing home, in order to arrange for my father's permanent return home! Thank god!!
it's not quite even Halloween yet as I'm typing this, but I look forward to Halloween night,as I plan to enjoy a good horror movie or three that night as well as a maybe some novelty Halloween tunes via satellite TV's Halloween music channels(if any exist,that is).
July is absolutely gonna be hot!! Not only in the way of Summer heat,but also events like Independence Day,with fireworks displays all over town,but also some great television shows and movies,
both on satellite and cable and in the theaters as well.
Some great stuff has happened,like my Father will be coming home to stay,after being in the nursing home for over two years as a dysphagia patient.
Gotta figure that June was an interesting month but as far as fun,cool or even entertaining,forget it!!
It didn't suck hamster feet but it wasn't exactly great either.
I've been blessed with some great Parents(one of each) and the most precious dog in the world(Patches) and i plan to respect honor and play with all of them as i go through July and the rest of my life as well.
I plan to keep my site,"The Silver Chalice" updated all summer, with reviews about software products as well as computer hardware reviews and links to free software and hardware available on the internet.
Have A Hot July!!
Well,it's actually 2014 and has been for a little over a month.//This is crazy because it seems as though Christmas passed us ages ago and yet it's only been ..well..not even two months since Christmas day and only two months and a half and less since the Christmas shopping season./I mean it's only been two months ago that i was finishing up my Christmas shopping./That's insane./It feels as though it's been so long since that particular time of year and that it should be quite a bit further passed that time of the year already..To be honest,when it comes down to what it feels like to me..I feel like the winter has been such a long one this year,i feel like it should be spring already or let's say a lot closer than it actually is./I'm glad to see snow here cause i was wanting a good snow all winter and was beginning to think we weren't going to get even a small occurence.I'm glad we did get a small one at least,yesterday.And now this morning while at Denny's i overheard that we have a chance for more today..oh it's 9:53 AM 2/7/2014 by the way..I'm using notepad to publish and edit this but forgot to use the time and day stamp at the beginning of the post//.Looks like my Dad will be coming home soon..from the nursing home..But before that happens i'll have to have my sleep and awake hours all straightened out.I'm having a lot of problems with that right now..Worse than i ever remember having them in fact./Overall,January was a month i look back on with non affection.//Had to work my tail off to get this apartment in the kind of shape that i shouldn't have been striving for(via the insistence of management)..This whole situation of living in Seagoville has become an encounter that has fast become an unattractive lifestyle..I've spoken to my Mother about both of us moving to Terrell and it's becoming more attractive an idea with each passing day.The problem is that Mom hears me talk and all but never seriously takes into consideration those kinds of ideas(moving,etc)she toddles around with the ideas in her head as wishful thinking and verbal output,but there's no seriousness to it./So the idea of moving will probably go nowhere./Once Dad comes home..I'll wait for a short while and then request from the office that my carpet be cleaned..I'll immediately afterward begin to look around in terrell beginning with the senior center that Michael told me about.When we locate a place,I'll give my notice and ..well..I'll begin packing before i even start looking for a place cause i know i'll be serious about moving out by that time./Dad will be home and we won't be paying..Mom won't be paying the nursing home anymore.We'll have plenty of money to move and have the deposit and dog fee and all.//I'll make certain we have all the expenses covered before we begin looking/.I feel good about getting out of Seagoville.I really will miss hearing my roosters and coyotes at night and donkeys and other stuff i'm not certain what they are ..But if Seagoville's going to be invaded by blacks and,or,mexicans,or Pleasant Grove trash ,then it's best to boogie./In fact it might be best to first, check our finances to see if we can move to Missouri before seriously thinking of Terrell./That will be my primary ideal spot..Springfield or Nixa Missouri..Secondly,Terrell.//I don't know how i'm going to do it but today i must remain awake all day and all night,until 6am tomorrow..Need to get these hours back right..sleeping 6am to 2pm daily.No more messing up.No more staying awake past 6am regardless of how awake i feel at the time.Well I hope February 2014 is a hale of a lot better in total..overall..than what the entire last two years,2012 and 2013 turned out to be./I have Patches and my Parents/Well..I'll have both of them sooner than later.And i feel darned lucky about it!! God's blessed me with Parents that are still around and i'm no spring chicken..or AM i!!
10:21 AM 2/7/2014 Friday 33 degrees outside 6:35 PM 9/7/2013
iT'S September already.Wow!!Things are happening so fast but yet so much seems to be laid back and happening ata fairly even keel./On the one hand,August went by wih various problems that got settled ,even though it took all month to resolve./The great news is that Dad's coming home.We spoke to the nursing home about our feelings and wishes..Well i did anyway..and his doctor okayed his coming home./Mom and i are supposed to be going to some kind of meeting next at the nursing home in order i guess,to learn how to care for dad ona daily basis./This will be a snap./Also,I had a hard cough that sent me to the emrgency room/.Yep..Me.The guy who rarely gets sick and hates going to doctors and hospitals//The first visit ,they diagnised me as having a uri..The second visit(yeah a second time..imagine that)they said i have COPD..That's funny..Anyway,being a believer in god and prayer,i prayed and believed and i feel great/The cough is all but gone and i'm me again..Thank the Lord.It feels so good to know that Dad is coming home to stay.We'll all be together again..A family..Together on Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas..And forever..Just like it SHOULD BE and should've been the entire time he was in the nursing home//Life is good.September's going o be great.I plan to begin my Christmas shopping either late this month or in October./Everyhing is so good..My car is still a beautiful piece of work and my apartment is nice and it's quiet here still..I'm still getting sleep when i want or need it//No kids,no boomcars and the city is still predominantly white in it's resident base..So there's no crime to speak of the streets are empty once it gets dark./I love this place./The major plans for September are to spend time at my parent's apartment a lot when my Dad comes ome to stay,which might be as early as this coming week/It's saturday now and the meeting is supposed to be this week sometime//Dad might come home within he next 6 days or so..How so so wonderful./I'll close here./It's going to be a grand September.Can't wait for walmart to put those Christmas trees up later this month(as far as i know,around the 26th).Now THAT'S going to be really cool!!
6:54 PM 9/7/2013
August Is Upponust I can't believe that it's already August.School starts in a couple more weeks and next month,Walmart will have the Christmas trees on display in the Lawn and Garden department. I've forgotten how to create a continuos line drop tag with xhtml.//I've been using 3 and 4 single br tags for a long time now in all my blogs.Here's something i totally forgot about too,until just now..I've been using hexadecimal for colors a lot(though not all the time) and i've been forgeting to use the hashtag after the quote marks and just before the code (the letters).Stupid me!Wonder why i haven't been noticing that the colors aren't accurate or appearing on my pages according to the hex color i entered --Stupid me! Now that i got that overwith...synopsis>>>>LAST MONTH,(JULY)a couple things occured and segued into August and are still present..For one,medicaid stopped my payments.They saw the money in my account that was put there by my Mother and Father each month in order to aid me in paying my bills/.It's didn't affect my disability payments/.And i filled out forms again to apply for my medicaid again and with having medical records since i was about 9 years old,explaining my condition,i certainly qualify as much as i did in 1980 when i initially began to receive help/.or 81..hehehe..oh well../MAN..I gotta pee..All that Denny's coffee..Taking a slight break here at 9:37am,brb..////////////////9:39am and i unloaded a lot of coffee from the garden hose..and stuff..Well.onward with the synopsis..My entire disability payment seems to have been deposited in my account as of day before yesterday.Here's a couple interesting theories...They either,haven't stopped my medicaid payments quite yet,giving me 90 days until it occurs..Or..In the recent past i attempted to qualify for another benefit of some kind and that's what the 'you don't qualify' forms i received were all about..or..because of my last 3 bank statements ,medicaid decided "hey,you don't qualify for medicaid anymore buuuDEE/ AND
I'm beginning to think that i filled out forms to apply for some kind of extra benefits and got refused//I actually DO remember vaguely doing such..Filling forms out for seperate benefits than medicaid and social security disability..If that's the case then my monthly payments will keep coming and nothing will change..Even if Medicaid stops i easily qualify and can just reapply again..That's what happened a couple years ago and it's just the same again//So no problem/ And to those dook munkeez that believe i should be my Mother's 24/7 caregiver and mode of transportation,etc..Read my lips morons..I moved to this complex two years before my Mother moved here..I moved here from the ghetto called Garland because i have a sleep disorder and could NOT get the daily sleep i need in order to remain outside the hospital..along with this condition i have severe anxieties and i'm borderline bipolar.My doctor has explained to me that i need to stay far away from UNNECESSARY obligations and responsibility..The paying of my bills and upkeep of my bank account,paying my bills on time,etc are all necessary obligations and responsibilities --but taking care of ANYONE and being responsible for ANYONE regardless of who he or she is something that my condition does NOT allow.I would NOT be able to handle that kind of responsibility and obligation, me..I'm disabled.It has nothing to do with being irresponsible or being lazy or 'using my mother'(as i've overheard a few goofballs offering that as a part of my personal character).If people don't want to be friendly or speak to me ,so be it.But neither will i give those people a single second of MY time.I can't be my Mother's caregiver..And even if i could ,you really think i'd give up my life and independence and all my friends to stay home 24/7 with my Mother simply because she has a memory and sleep problem?? If so,then you're screwy as Hell./ I hate rap music and hip hop..It sucks hamster meat..totally..I have no use for the 1970's..That's the most useless decade other than the 21st century overall//wELL,the synopsis isn't over..Last month,Mom and i recieved the revelation from Dad's doctor's assistant(or something) that Dad won't be coming home until he can get around by hisself..his mobility..physical mobility is the important thing in this case//And he doesn't appear to be anywhere near close.But i believe in a God that heals and answers prayer in a positive fashion,not a God that does things halfass for religious people to turn around and claim "there must be a good reason or God wouldn't have allowed it to happen ".religious people live religious lives and lifestyles.not Christian lives and lifestyles/.God has protected me from people aiming guns at me,from people drugging me and dropping me in the road for dead,from gossiping haters who look down on me and refuse the belief that i'm disabled,merely due to the fact that they stupidly and ignorantly believe that if a person has 2 arms and 2 legs that they can do SOMEthing and can't be totally disabled!!People that possess that kind of ignorance are ..well...stupid//..I have no use for them,as they wouldn't believe my medical records,medical history,my doctor,etc or any other kind of proof i could offer/.And you see..I don't owe anyone an explanation anyway/..Least of all somebody i don't even know and won't speak friendly to me to begin with//. Enough of that now..Where's that darned continuing it is.LAST MONTH was a really stressful month..Arguments between my Mother and i were the theme of July most of the way through//Thank God it's overwith.I've never argued with her like that in my life//Her Sleep Apnea has effected her short term memory now AND her long term memory/But i believe in God's healing..Stupid me ,huh!>>>>>>>>>>NOT! I'm not a legalist..This Bull warp of Christians don't watch this and don't watch that and don't listen to rock music and yada yada yada..I feel so sorry for people who are so in bondage to the law that they're priorities in their spiritual walk are based on works/.conditional.believeing they have to please god via their actions to acquire his unconditional love and grace..I have no use for such stupidity/..In love with the law and works brings only death/ that i strayed from the synopsis again//Oh yeah..Last Month pretty well sucked..God brought my Mother and i through it//.And here it is August..the 3rd//Saturday..I need to write a check out to the Complex today..My rent is due...This is the last day..After today it'll be late and i'd owe a late fee..a late charge..a past time thingy//. I had planned to see my Dad today..But I haven't been to bed yet..I don't believe i'll be awake in time to visit him//Wish i could.We need to see him today/I wonder if someone could take my Mother//I won't be able to make it today,it's become clear/.I wish i'd have come home from Denny's at a decent hour instead of remaining until after 6am/..I never once stopped to think that i'd get to bed after 6am..I should have realised that the guy had begun speaking to me for a reason//I should've investigated the occurence mentally before engaging in conversation for all those hours/.The month of August is going to be weird..interesting..It'll answer the curiousity of whether my medicaid really stopped or if the letter refusing my qualification is regarding a seperate set of benefits that i had applied for.I'll start my Christmas shopping this month.Doesn't matter how much i have or don't have in my account/.Also,mine and August's anniversary is late tomorrow night at approximately 4am..between 4 and 4:15am//The year was 1993 of course./Then there's school that starts in late August/.Kids back to school..Less traffic in the area,making it totally dead most of the time again,for another 9 or 10 months..Thank God// Also..Mine and Patches' 5th summer together/.wow..I know there's more but i can't think right off hand,except to say that this month is going to be a good one..A really good one..I feel it..I know it/.If anything major occurs i'll update this information right away/...It's 93 degrees outside and it's only 11:00 am..straight up This transmission over>>>>Send cookies>>>>Me Hungry Meat Puppet>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of signal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Doodaw. The month of October was kind of weird.Halloween didn't last It came and went.The entire month was slow and a blur.The month went by fast but yet in a lame nothing going on much kind of way.I guess every month goes by like that for the past 20 years for me.I'm so used to it now that that i don't expect much else from any month,day by day week by week.I'll begin my Christmas shopping tonight.I'll be browsing Walmart and for stuff that i can get for mom and dad and patches.and nancy and lee of course.I won't be spending as much money on dad this christmas.There's nothing that he can use except cd's and dvd's now days.I want so much to buy him something so different than cd's or movies.but when you're in a wheel chair and can't get around on foot to do stuff like you used to then what can you possibally use or possibaly do besides use just whatever you can possibally use from a wheel chair?That doesn't amount to much.I can't buy him tools or anything like a pair of new shoes. and my dad won't be interested in new shoes since he'll be rolling in his chair through the house 96% of his time. A jacket's a good thing so when we roll him around outside he won't get cold.but there's so so much that i can't buy him anymore.So much he can't use because he's now in a wheelchair.Certain tools for example.He'll never be able to do any kind of work with tools.Even if he weren't in the chair,we wouldn't let him work with tools around the house due to his age now and the fact that he had this stroke.But i believe he'll be up and walking again,i had a dream..I know some say it's foolish to believe in dreams,but i also dreamt that he'd be spending the Christmas season with me and mom..and he is..this was a sudden decision of his Dr. at the nursing home to let him come home 3 days a week for two hour at a dreams DO come true.'s still early in the month. i'LL be putting up mine and my mom's and dad's christmas tree on Thanksgiving night..late..probably in the wee a.m. hours (after midnight Thanksgiving night).well..Patches is healthy..needs his shots.and heartworm and flea pills.He's doing excellent.Obama was re-elected.I'm pro Romney so it's not good news to me//but aside from that,everything's going very well// Guess i'll head over to mom's to see what she's doing//Probably watching either her game shows,the Waltons or Little House On The Prairie// Looking forward to doing my Christmas shopping tonight.I plan to get all the decorations for the tree out of the bedroom closet tonight and to set them aside so i'll find them easily when it's time for erection..maybe i should rephrase that// I might post later this month..not sure.I DO plan to have a merry time this month though,with the holiday shopping and listening to christmas music and all..downloading Christmas wallpapers and desktop wallpaper and screen all the regular non holiday stuff. It's going to be a nice month overall. Patches is laying here beside me on the couch. Not much has changed lately,though there's been SOME things that have occured.I now am calling Fred Mount once in a while,as he seems to be doing okay and living with his girlfriend in an apartment in garland.he wants me to visit but i don't like the idea of driving over there to an area that i know nothing about/ might be a while before i can get over there.also it doesn't sound like we'd have much of anything in common.he's NOT like michael at all.if i thought that fred would become interested in hanging out,i'd enjoy that.but it sounds as though he stays pretty much around home all the time.and he'd probably expect me to be coming over there to spend my other words,he has a girlfriend and wants me to visit them as opposed to him hanging with me on a one to one/.so..this is crazy//there MUST be SOME one out might be coming home..WILL be coming home about one or two times weekly for a couple hours at a time.all that has to be done is mom has to speak to the doctor about's doctor there at the nursing feelinggs lately are kind of depressed.i want to get my church charter right now before christmas.but it's going to cost me 144 dollars if i get the complete package.i'm thinking..well..i'll have to..i have no choice i guess.//if i'm going to get my church started today,have it by christmas,i'll have to get it done today,right away.patches just jumped down off the couch,leaving me space to lean back now.he's looking at me while laying there on the floor.he's on top of the sleeping bag and our covers,which are all a bit crumpled.not evenly spread across the floor now.his eyes look sleepy.he's been coughing.his sinus's are acting up,so that's probably why his eyes are titred that's a neat typo..titred..actually i believe titred is shade of breast//an artistic definition of one's current lung color./ anyway..i'm not in a happy or joking mood at all.i'm feeling a bit down..blank really.i kind of feel like i could use about 4 or 5 hours of sleep/.i wish there was something to do besides just sit here at was gone when i went over this afternoon.i assume she's at the bank today and maybe elsewhere.she wasn't at bingo .in fact one of her friends came by to get her but went on over to the office without mom.i realised after she walked off where mom must be(as it's friday) so i walked over to the office and told her that because it's friday she must be at the bank.anyway..patches is having sinus he's laying there i heard him slightly cough and whine a bit.i'm not concerned with punctuation as i type(in regard to using capital letters when required).so..anyway.. i just sneezed and patches i guess was alarmed.he sat and just stared at me for several seconds afterward//i guess i'll close here plans.this is one of those days that i'll be home doing just whatever comes up at the time..mostly alone//i feel like laying back down honestly.but if i do,i know i'll fall asleep and wake up in the late afternoon.of course ..that doesn't sound too bad really right now..i don't know.i'll call fred pretty soon.then later i might call mark//around 4 or 4:30pm//i need to burn a cd right now.i recorded the music already.from LP to an itunes folder.i was hoping that fred would be the answer to my prayer of finding someone to hang out with,but i realised yesterday that can't be the case//
he doesn't care for 80's music..he's still in to the 70's/he doesn't care for movies too much.he seems to prefer watching the news all the time..that's a new one on ME..i used to like watching or keeping up with the current world news and still do just not all day./it didn't take up most of my tv viewing time/.there's a lot of things i'd like to do.i'd like to take pictures and video of mom and dad and many other things with my red video camera in particular. and i'd like to download them to a site on the web.i'd like to sit and listen to cd's and relax sitting here while looking out the window.i'd like to watch some vhs tapes on the vhs player,but it's not connected to my tv.when i disconnected it from my vizio,i never reconnected it to the sanyo.i don't know why though//i should do that really soon//i'd like to watch christmas recordings from the past,that include august and mom and dad/
patches was just at the door,whining.he heard someone and ran to the door.he didn't whine loud.just a bit.i thought at first he was wheezing in fact/his eyes look very sleepy.he looks really..i hope he hasn't got a slight cold or anything.i believe he hasn't gotten enough sleep//he acts very sleepy.i believe he wants me to lay down with him on the he's up barking loudly at the door.he heard the mesh screen magnets hit the door when the wind blew and they
to the door/i'm concerned.when he barks,he starts to wheez some.he might have caught a bit of a cold//i'll make certain he's kept warm and out of the cold tonight./it's getting cold inside.i'll turn the air down,brb,3:02pm
kkkkkkkkk Looks like i'll be just sitting here doing whatever all evening and all's only late's 3:04pm.i'll be setting up the printer i guess's been disconnected for a long time. i never reconnected it when getting this new computer(emachines).i'm not sure what i think of this pc yet.had it for a couple months now but..i don't know.somebody keeps going past my window.they've walked back and forth now about three or four times in he past 10 minutes..maybe 12..anyway..i guess i'll go ahead and burn the music i recorded earlier to a cdr.i'm slowly but surely getting my LP collection(and dads)burned to cd/and imported to itunes..i need to add all the songs to my hard drive as well.i think i'll do that by adding them to the pc after i record them on to cd.i'll rip them to the pc as full cd's after burning them instead of seperate songs.this way i can maintain the recorded nature of the material//the consistent flight path of the native american indian//and stuff// yeah i'm bored many things i'd like to do.i ordered the 2 cd set,"tusk" by fleetwood mac,form should be arriving soon i hope/.it's been nearly two weeks since i ordered it.maybe right at 2 weeks/.it's being sent from england so it might be a while/.i made the mistake of ordering it from a music store in england.i made that mistake before with a movie and it took forever/.well..i guess i'll close here.i'll check out my dvr recordings to see if bill o'riley has been recorded.i've been keeping track of the obama /romney campaign and polls.looks good ...somebody just passed by my window again.i'm going to sit out there i think if it happens again.this is getting absurd.anyway,i'll run next door to see if mom's home.i thought i heard her earlier but i'm not sure.brb,3:15pm
I don't know if it's the bipolar..or dspsd or whatever it is i have,mixed with coca cola and doughnuts or what.I only know that it's happening again.A strange kind of dejavu but not the ordinary.I know that since i'm disabled and unemployed that time goes by really fast.And again,i'm seeing Christmas trees in the Walmart.I first saw them two mornings ago at 5 something a.m. and it was like the deja vu began big time.I was amazed to see christmas displays quite this early.I expected to see them beginning sometime around the end of October around Helloween,but certainly not THIS early/.i walked away from the area..the lawn and a good mood after i saw the trees.i felt really good.but also i felt that weird deja vu.the kind i've been getting every year for several years now.that feeling that it's only been a few mohths since i took my tree(and my parents tree)completely down. It seems like time goes by so so fast,that i said..That it was only a few short months ago that i was shopping the Christmas season/.It's a very very weird deja vu-ish kind of feeling.It's like a time warp --it doesn't feel like it should be this time of year but it is--In fact too many times in the past,the Christmas season came around and it just didn't feel like it should have been yet//So the entire holiday season past by and any Christmas spirit was just not there//In fact i remember one year in particular wherein it was Januray that i actually began to feel a christmassy kind of feeling,as though time itself had misplaced or displaced me in some weird way.I'm not the only person to feel this kind of time warp or time displacement thing/My cousin Michael also tends to fall into this time warp and gets these deja vu sensations --Not truly deja vu like most people get and discuss,but still they're very real.It's like living the same Christmas season as the last several years,just different gifts and maybe different scenarios..looking at christmas lights in a different area or maybe having more or different realtives over ,etc//But that feeling is still the same.Even though it's not identical,it's like living the same Christmas season again and eventually the same Christmas day again. Again too,same Christmas as last and the one before that,etc,just different 'stuff'/It's not a part of getting older,as that's been a suggestion when i've mentioned this to others/.In fact,as far as i know,i've only come across one other person besides me who get these time warp feelings and that's my Cousin Michael/.I'd like to meet others who get these strange feelings of time displacement./I remember last Christmas.Even though i've been living ina new location for two years,spending much of the Christmas season with my parents,again that deja vu was hitting me all season long.Different town which made it a bit different but it was still like the past Christmases to the point that the weird deja vu feeling never left me all season long/. I'm beginning to believe it has much,maybe not all,to do with the fact that my family and i go through the same gestures every year.we celebrate through the season by decorating our trees and the interior of our homes(we live in apartments actually) and we decorate our yards as well./We spend some nights watching Christmas specials on TV and we watch Christmas movies as well/.We shop Walmart and other stores in the area.We drink hot cocoa and eat Christmas cookies bought at Walmart or given to us by neighbors or relatives,etc//I'm thinking that maybe if i differ some of our regular activities and become much more active (seasonally) that maybe every Christmas season won't bring on this weird familiar deja vu thing,making the season seem out of place and as though it's all occuring way too early..(thusly it feels like it really isn't that time of year,which makes it difficult or impossible to get into the Christmas spirit..sometimes until January like i said)/Mom told me that she didn't feel very Christmassy until January.She actually told me in January when she began to feel the Christmas spirit/I thought that was odd,but being used to time displacement myself,i understood what she meant completely/. It already seems to me that i saw Christmas trees on display way too early/I'm afraid that seeing the stuff in the aisles now will really implant in me a time displacement so heavily that by the time november rolls around and then thanksgiving,that I'm going to be so not into the Christmas season arriving that the I'll travel thru November shopping but not enjoying the Christmas momentum..And that's what i want and desire to feel./I want to enjoy Christmas ,not only for the religious reasons,but also for the reasons that i did when i was young/.The lights,the colors,the decorationsand the whole enchilada!!I think everyone ought to able to celebrate like that/
In fact,i'm thinking of taking my Parents on nightly cruises through November,looking at the Christmas lights.People's yards..Their houses.Even through the Apartment complexes/.I think i'll plan to spend this christmas doing things that are so different than i've ever done before/.Maybe i can find on amazon or someplace,special dvd releases that cover topics like Christmas in the 40's and 50's.My parents would enjoy stuff like that/.Well..the thing is.If i m going to have anything planned solid by November, I'm going to have to begin right away..Now..cause it'll take a while to find stuff to do..places to go.Well..Hopefully we'll get a lot of snow here//if not then i guess ..Well..i'm not going to say 'if not'//I'll just count on the Lord blessing us with snow and then making plans to toss our coats and gloves on and journey out to shop at the stores and view the Christmas season a whole lot from the inside of the car as well//And there's always the warm glow at home by the tree,with hot cocoa and marshmallows//'s only September 25th and i'm carryin' on like it's a whole different season.Maybe the time warp thing won't bite my butt this year after all./Maybe. A more detailed explanation of 'time warp' or deja vu time displacement: The reason it might effect me again heavily is because every Christmas for the last 7 years at least has brought about a feeling of deja vu which lasted all through the season.Not feeling as though it wasn't Christmas,so much as it was as though i was celebrating the same Christmas again (as years prior),but just altered a bit.That feeling mixed with the feeling(in november) that the Christmas season had occured just a few short months ago,makes me feel 'time displaced' as tho' i'm living a real life re-run episode (of my life).a very strange feeling,even tho' i realise full and well and am concious at the time that it's another Christmas season and i'm not stuck in's just a feeling that remains like a head rush all through the season. like i'm living or reliving (another) Christms episode in my life.diffrent stuff,different people now and then,a few different movies,etc..but at the same time ,the same Christmas as all the previous Christmases.a very weird feeling/.
This feeling could be triggerd by delayed sleep phase syndrom disorder/i was diagnosed more recently than not/but I don't know for sure one way or the other/ If you're reading this and coincidentally,find yourself feeling like this every Christmas,please email me to tell me and discuss it further in detail how it happens to you.This isn't the kind of thing where people say that time just went fast and they weren't ready for Christmas.This is a WEIRD thing that occurs that gives the feeling that an episode of your life is being rerun,but yet different and your fully aware of what day and year it is,'s just a feeling that remains with you for sometimes days or maybe weeks or months,depending on the situation at the time//You're also probably prone to go into dreamlike states once in a while too.those light headed feelings in the head(where else) like you're dreaming but you're awake.These are common with Bipolar and from what i understand many other conditions,but especially bipolar and people with delayed sleep phase disorder syndrom(google it)..often times bipolar and dspds coexist btw/ my email= 11:41 AM 9/25/2012 9:00 PM 9/5/2012 It's 89 degrees outside but cold INside...72 degrees inside.
12:01 PM 5/18/2012 i'm finding it best to insert my paragraph tags and such as i type as opposed to waiting till after i finish it all///i STILL like to go over my page and design it to my satisfaction after i finish //i need to add my font tags and all as i type however..i can always perfect on that stuff afterward if i desire// i should have two more things coming in the mail--my alpha hydroxy and a book by josephus..the complete wrirings of josephus ...all of his wrirings..he wrired a lot..okay i meant the complete 'writings'..of josephus// a boomcar just went by..12:20 PM ..very fast..down malloy bridge..funny..i heard it like for only a second or so,as the car went by so fast.that's the second boomcar i've heard's not like there's that many per day/.the first one i heard was about an hour ago,give or take 10 minutes.a car coming into the complex.some mexican guy that looked like he was in his real early 20''s.when i heard the car i went out to see where he parked.i can't figure out to this day why it's this way but it's the blacks and the mexicans that drive through here with that junk basing like that.the white's here don't do that.'nor their visitors/both cultures are so disrespectful(blacks and hispanics) it's pitiful/anyway.. i'll go ahead and close this page.patches is on the couch behind me.i'm on the floor/.mom is probably at the social security office by now.she had to go back in cause they wanted more info or's like i'm having to register all over again or something.even though it's medicare that i'm re -registering for//.this is weird//.so is going to see dad sometime today too.we don't know if he is able to speak yet.they've been keeping him so medicated that he couldn't speak and it's probable that he didn't realise where he was..or is...yet ..or what happened//.i think i'll either lay down and listen to my mp3 library on the pc or i'll watch music videos..i don't know.a movie sounds does my dvr does trying to get a little sleep...well..i'll figure it out.i plan to put a few small pieces of chicken or whatever in the oven.i bought those little nugget things that you bake.bought them a couple days ago. actually more like a week i guess//i'll post later..i should be writing to michael.i've lost stamps mom gave me..twice i lost stamps.that's irritating ya know?// i need to write's been a while.i sent one a month ago,but it was old i think/written much before it was actually sent..i think..not sure though.i'll do another page here tomorrow or tonight//swahili milly vanilly
September Is Going To Be Tree-mendus
The summer is more than half over./Summer in my opinion is that time between school letting out in June and then beginning again in late August./When school is in session again ,the Summer's over and
I't's fall and then Halloween and Thanksgiving and of course the Christmas season beginning the day after Thanksgiving./Of course ,the Christmas tree always goes up at my place on Thanksgiving night./Too early to be discussing all of this huh!Okay..Well..This apartment complex is strange but i accept the fact that people here..(not all,but more than a few)..seem to have some kind of dislike for me..So it's like this.If you tend to smile and say a jolly hello..Or how ya doing? and every time you do such, the person you're speaking to intentionally looks away without saying anything or eyefully gives you that smug look and then looks away,then you'd be stupid to continue doing what you're doing..Well..not stupid maybe..But let me say that you'd definitely have more patience or tolerance (or whatever)than myself/.While i'm a Christian,i'm also not perfect and part of my imperfection is that i have absolutely no use for people who react in a smug,conceited,arrogant manner when spoken to./I'll attempt to speak 2 or 3 times but if i get that reaction each time ,then i can't see wasting my time and my life away by continuing to grace these pork shypes with my verbal greetings./Don't argue with me about WWJD..I've already said i'm not perfect and that's one of my imperfections..I don't have the desire to continue being unecessarily gleeful toward the same 'nose in the air' person on a daily basis,as it's an insult to one's character when treated that way continually..So 'rasberry sounds' to the dork splatts that have a dark attitude toward me//See..i won't 'dwell on their actions..But neither will i continue to put myself in a situation wherein i'm asking for this action and that's what i'm doing if i continue to speak to them..I'm inviting their upward noses, their refusal to reply while diverting their eyes away from me or rolling them or both (which is often the case)./Bottom line and it's simple..react unfriendly each time i speak and i'll stop speaking..It's not that big of a deal to me.In fact,it's clearly indicative of your overall persona..I won't lose no sleep over it./in fact it's a rather sensless reaction really//But i won't go into the psychoanalytical spectrum of the whole thing,as a rational person wouldn't react in that fashion toward someone that he or she doesn't even know./But i fact..i used to have an entire year's subscription to reader's digress(i silly).//Anyway..I think i'll call Debbie on ..well..Tomorrow..or Monday..Debbie is my former therapist by the way//Oh yeah..i don't speak much of my sleep disorder in my blogs..delayed sleep phase syndrome.. slightly bipolar as well//I don't mention this often or to many ,as there are so many morons that are misinformed about what bipolar condition is,that they'd literally be paranoid that i'm going to drown their babies or rape their daughter or go about shooting people in the clubhouse//The media loves to misrepresent what bipolar disorder is.The media does it intentionally//I won't go into it here however/But anyway..I went to denny's this morning.Met a guy who's into deathcore metal,20 something years old and has a cool head on his shoulders..i would have to say more sensible than most 20 something year olds that i've been running into lately/.
Furthermore,let me add this..In regard to who i'd get along with and NOT get along with on a daily 'hanging out' basis..I'm not like most people my age..My music preference = bands like Xandria,Tristania,Streams of Passion,Tarja,Within Temptation,Leave's Eyes,Amberian Dawn,etc..(all symphonic metal bands)..My viewing preferences are not Gunsmoke,The Rifleman,The Waltons or Little House On The Prairie, favorites are (as an example),80's movies like The Breakfast Club,Pretty In Pink(Teen movies) and horror movies like ALL THE halloween movies,and the ever hard core "night Of The Demon's" and the current theatrical horror stuff as well(i'm a horror movie finatic and enjoy many slasher flicks as well) and my tv flavors are king and maxwell on Monday nights,Legit,Deal With It,Red Widow,The Following,The Middle,The Newsroom(Jeff Daniels) "Defiance" and there's a few more as well.My activities= downloading music(mostly symphonic metal),downloading images(mostly for backgrounds and desktop) downloading screensavers(animated,especially Holiday screensavers)(CB radiio),hanging out at dennys wih coffee and relaxation,doing walmart,doing six flags(the rides),watching music videos of the 80's and some 90's(my favorite of all activities is watching and buying 80's and 90's music videos and i currently have several thousand).
7:25 PM 4/9/2013
Here it is Spring time and 80 degrees at 7:25 pm--I'm already looking forward to the Christmas holidays already ..and already..did i for get to say already? Anyway..The summer won't be too bad this time.I want to walk Patches at nights and i want to keep him outside at times during the night.I like sitting outside with him but i can't sit outside if it's freezing cold.So i'm going to enjoy the warmer months for what they are.They'll enable me to walk Patches for a longer time when we go out and we can sit outside at nights in the a.m. without freezing our pecans off.I can drive mom and Patches and me of course ,to the park..Any park..and we can bring a lunch and enjoy the outside air and country here around the area.We can finally begin to really enjoy the country flavor of Seagoville and the fact that there's no crime and no culture residing in the area that will attract such.Dad is not only eating some and drinking,but he's walking now according to Mom.She said he grabbed her walker when he was visiting last time and began to walk through the apartment on his own.i Might have to edit this.I don't know how much i want to be real personal.I have a new car.A braND NEW fORD fIESTA..Its' on lease..3 years.I need to wash and wax it tonight.At least spray it.I also need to clean the mud off the front seats that the dog tracked in and i need to vacuum the floorboard on my side where i tracked mud in. Mom's doing okay..Dad's okay.and Patches is okay too.Warma and cuddly.Last month ,March,things were looking pretty grim.But it picked up on the 7th after i left my appointment with Debbie.Me and Tracey and Mom stopped by the Mazda place and they wouldn't accept our credit.Same with Kia.I wound up getting a Ford Fiesta ..2013..Beautiful.Well..Plans this month include trips to the park.Trips to see Dad.I recently ordered another set of music videos and got them in the mail already.Obscure alternative 80's videos.New wave.7 dvd's.Don't know how many each dvd has on it,but i know the first one has 32.I figure that's round about pretty standard.That's a lot of videos/. This month i'm playing it by ear.The park..The nursing home.Hopefully Dad will be coming home anytime now since he's walking with a walker./Let's see//I'll be hitting Denny's alot now since the new car.I'm anxious to see what Seagoville's going to be like when school's out for the summer/.Anyway..It's time to visit Mom.The sun's going down.It's evening..It's Kenner...It's fun/.
7:48 PM 4/9/2013
me and the dog and well..yes..the Christmas's February the 2nd and it's still mom's tree as well.we love Christmas//
also here is the lcd webcam is attached to my shirt collar for that shot.
7:00 PM 2/1/2013's friday.i have no working vehicle right now as my 2000 mazda protege lx has ..well,,,the battery isn't charging and it's my fault and stuff.short trips around town weren't long or rather far enough in which to keep the battery charged for any length of it got to a point that i was having to drive 15 miles to kaufman and then back again just to keep the battery charged for a 24 hour period// says she's sick and i guess if she wants to claim it that fines with me.i'm not going to be running over there every few minutes worrying about it.i knew something like this would occur..why? we're supposed to go looking at cars tomorrow.every time that she has ever planned anything i don't care what it was,if it was important to her or to someone else,she would get sick or she'd create some kind of a problem that would interfere somehow with the plans that were made.i've never in my life seen or rather known a person that can't plan one minor thing for just one fracking day or afternoon ,then get sick or sprain something or ..god knows what ..and not be available to carry out what they'd planned/sure it happens to people now and then..but every time?? for over 20 years? i don't know...all i know is this.she sits over there since this evening and claims the flu or whatever when she only has a minor stomach problem.she'll latch on to illness faster than a camel to a chocolate nookie bar//faster even./
i would..well..i hate to say this,but even though i saw her a couple hours ago and she has a minor stomach upset,it wouldn't surprise me if i went back over like right now and she's looking sickly and so pathetic..(burrrrp... burrrp..buhhhhhkkkkerrrp).i say this because i know this woman.something important is planned golly her..i don't know..imagination..attention...goes hog wild with sick//.i've often times believed it was to get out of doing things she doesn't want to do.i don't know.can't be sure of anything ..either way,she does exactly what i see christians like her do every day.claiming to believe in healing.claim that they know illness is an attack of the enemy..the other side.but then when they're actually attacked,they claim the illness by talking of the thing.."i'm sick...i'll be sick all night..i think i'm gonna maybe wind up in the ER cramps just won't go away..(burrrp)"..yada yada yada and on and on and on the claims and invitations would be much easier to fight the devil,rebuke him ,insist that he goes back to where he came from and to claim good health and wellness and healing and the kind of situation god wants us to claim and believe and have for us..but's easier to complain and to share the pain and runny bowels with family and friends//nothing like family involvement for the weekend//well..patches is doing okay.that's always a good thing.he's laying up here on the couch behind usual i'm sitting indian style on the floor.but i think i'll head over there to see how she's doing.wish i could make bets with myself that i could benefit financially from//my plans mister flokker,are to remain home tonight,(since i don't have a working car) watch movies,the dvr,music videos,other stuff that i recorded on the dvr and haven't watched yet..that actually is in the same catagory as "the dvr" mentioned two lines's 50 degrees outside.oh man i guess it's gonna drop into the 40's or lower by the early a.m. hours/.i definitely won't want to walk to the denny's OR to the walmart either.yup..home for sure all night.//and with my mom continuing to get sick ..or to have a foot ache or butt mold..i don't plan to be looking at new cars or go anywhere that i'd planned on her to accompany me ,anytime soon.// burrrrp!!!!!
7:34 PM 2/1/2013
49 degrees
7:36 PM 11/9/2012
8:15 PM 11/9/2012
2:23 PM 10/19/2012
i got back and i cleared the right side of the couch so patches could sit on it,so what did he do?he got up here in my lap'm typing with one hand./i'm going to open my blinds until it gets'll close here and burn a cdr and then i guess see if bill o'riley is on my dvr.maybe watch a judge judy or something this all by ear./btw,mom still isn't home.if she got back ,then she went to the office to play dominos or something,she didn't leave me a note stating such// occured to me that it's not bingo's friday not wednesday.that's another thing.i don't know what to expect to see at walmart,it being a weekend now.weekend shoppers will be there,probably mostly from balch springs,pleasant grove and mesquite. i hope it doesn' look like a ghetto there when i go shopping later tonight.that's also a place mom might be right now.janice or carol might've taken mom to the bank and then walmart//somebody was going to celebrate mom's birthday with her today so that's where she is for the most part.i think it was janice that is going to celebrate with who knows where they are and what they're doing//as long as she's home by dark//there's no way she'd be gone past dark//anyway..i'll post later.i'm bored,kind of down//patches sure looks sleepy.he can hardly keep his open...that's weird.and i've got a lap full of dog//i'll post later..bahh bahh.
3:44 PM 10/19/2012
9:44 AM 9/25/2012
that same deja vu..the feeling that i lived through the christmas season just a few short months ago/i never began to have these feelings i call (a)time warp,until somewhere around the early 2000' least it seems like that's when it began.i've always loved the Christmas season and it always seemed like it was taking so long for Christmas to arrive.and suddenly for some reason,one year,after Christmas ,after the tree was down..the spring came and went FAST..then summer flew by was Fall all of a sudden,then BOOM it was Thanksgiving and then BOOM the Christmas season.It was weird..But every Christmas since then has rushed up to me like a car on the nascar's here..and it mostly seems like that in hindsight ,but every now and then through the other words,it's like every few months this deja vu hits and it will seem like (in hindsight) the last few months flew by ragingly fast..So as time goes on,this deja vu is constant every few months and it crawls,slows down a bit around the area of maybe july 4th,but only for a while cause ,just like two days ago,BOOM..Christmas trees on display at Walmart/.
Almost like the movie "Groundhog Day'//In the movie he eventually caused different occurences on a daily basis,but yet it was the same day over and over and that same sense of deja vu was always present none the less/.That's how this deja-vu ..Time warp..Time displacement thing is that i talk bout/It occurs in the summer too.Spring as well..etc..But it's tremendously strong during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas,i suppose because those are clearly the most memorable/.My cousin and i used to always discuss with each other,in depth how weird we felt during the Christmas season,as it felt like a deja vu and just didn't feel like Christmas(but yet it did),as though we were displaced in time.
A lot has changed..Dad's hearing has been recovered or healed,however one wants to view it.No more hearing aids.//
He's in a wheelchair now rolling around with vigor.His speech is becoming more rapid and louder and even though he's still untelligible most of the time it's obvious that there's been an improvement.The nurses at the home have been doing physical and speech therapy.Patches is asleep here next to me on the floor.I thought i heard mom through the wall..I think i'll head over there to see what she's doing.She'll be going to bed i bet around 10:30pm./I have a can of Dr.Pepper in her fridge.
Think i'll go over and try to bum a tv dinner and i'll sit over there and watch tv with her and eat.long story short,Nancy and Lee came down this weekend to visit and have already gone back home .They left Monday and it's Wednesday now./We saw dad on Monday and they went home straight from there.Dad is doing wonderful.I don't know why but i expect him to be home by the holidays.Well..yeah i DO know why//It's because there's a Creator that answers prayer./
I'll post like this again in a day or two as incidents merit reporting or posting/.My daily drab will still be via Wordpress.comIt's 87 degres outside.It's actually getting cold in the apartment.brrrrrr.
9:14 PM 9/5/2012
yeah..may 18th,2012.i think i'll start using agrino's the only site i've found where i can use xhtml tags.every other site wants one to use their own site tags and pre coded junk,even their templates.i plan on using a background here.right now i have it coded to display light green,with white text,but i plan on coding in a background before i totally finish.the summer's coming on.not that i'm happy with that but it's true.
dad's in the hospital for the 2nd time.he'll be okay.i meant to suggest to mom that he might have been attacked,but i don't believe she'll believe that for a second.but from what i can see,it's a possibility/.see wordpress of course for a more details thingy.
i'm likely to begin cutting and pasting my wordpress text here every time i blog there /problem is then, that i have 2 a site from scratch,the other using site tags and pre-coded stuff//agrino is as close to what geocities was ,that i can find for free..actually,agrino IS exactly like geocities as i can add my own colors and images using xhtml tags/.i prefer that, as opposed to being limited to a site's images and colors and arrangements of tables and all that barf!!
man,i can't wait to see dad at home,all of us playing cards and watching tv together//i decided that after dad is home that i'll spend a lot of time with both of them from that point on//.like we used to do..i'll go over a lot more and we'll all play cards and listen to ..THEIR music//whatever THEY want to hear/.i'll watch baseball with dad.jimmy swaggart..and his country stuff like that diner thing..larry's country diner i think it's called/.anyway..